Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Setting up Gtkmm-3.0 and C++ developer environment

Setting up developer environment for GTKmm-3.0 and C++

In this post you will learn, how to set up a developer environment  for working on graphical user interface (GUI) using C++ programming language, and at the end you will compile an run your first GUI application. To get you started I would recommend Codeblocks, which is an open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for C/C++ programming. You can download Codeblocks at here.
After installing Codeblocks you will need to install Gtkmm-3.0-dev  which you can find at Gtkmm official website.
As for Linux users you can do the following:
  • Debian GNU/Linux:
    apt-get install libgtkmm-3.0-dev
  • Fedora/RedHat Linux: Use
    yum install gtkmm30-docs
    to get the runtime, development, and documentation packages.
  • Gentoo Linux: Get dev-cpp/gtkmm.
  • SuSE Linux: Use yast to install gtkmm3-devel.
  • Ubuntu Linux:
    apt-get install libgtkmm-3.0-dev
Once you are done installing the necessary libraries, make sure you have c++ compiler in your system. Otherwise you can download GNU c++ compiler (g++) using your default package manager. After all, you are now ready to hit the road.
Now open Codeblocks and create a new project and select Console Application, choose C++ and name it anything you want.
After creating your project open sources folder and double click on main.cpp, compile and run to check your compiler. If you see 'Hello world' you are good to go.
now add the gtkmm header file:
 #include <iostream>  
 #include <gtkmm-3.0/gtkmm.h>  
 using namespace std;  
  int main( int argc,  char* argv[])  
     cout<<"Hello world!";  
     return 0;  

If the compiler fails to find any dependency header, you can go to settings -> compiler -> search directories and add it. You can download the list here. And under  settings -> compiler -> linker settings #other linker options add this two lines:
`pkg-config gtkmm-3.0 --libs`
`pkg-config glibmm-2.4 --libs`

 Finally here is your first graphical user interface using C++ and GTKmm-3.0 library:
 #include <iostream>  
 #include <gtkmm-3.0/gtkmm.h>  
 using namespace std;  
 int main( int argc,  char* argv[])  
    auto myApp = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "org.baktech.Demo");  
   Gtk::Window mainWindow;  
   mainWindow.set_title("Hello world");  
    return myApp->run(mainWindow);  

In the above code sample, we have created an application  
auto myApp = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "org.baktech.Demo");
which take terminal input parameters and the application id (e.g "org.baktech.Demo").
Next, instantiate Gtk::Window
Gtk::Window mainWindow;
and at the end run the application with your created window as parameter.
return myApp->run(mainWindow);

You can download the source code at

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